User ID controlled by request parameter with data leakage in redirect
This lab contains an access control vulnerability where sensitive information is leaked in the body of a redirect response.
To solve the lab, obtain the API key for the user carlos and submit it as the solution.
You can log in to your own account using the following credentials: wiener:peter
With the following credentials they have provided wiener:peter
and observe that each user may have a API key
In the browser, if you observe closely on the parameter and their values where we have ?id=wiener
and changing it to carlos
and redirects directly to the login page
But the same above method reproduced in burp’s repeater actually leaks the carlos API key in the and also redirects to login page
We can also find the carlos
API key in the same above response
Copy and paste the API key as a solution and lab will be solved
This works due to the fact in the browser we have client-side checks where as through burp it is bypassed now