
This lab has a horizontal privilege escalation vulnerability on the user account page, but identifies users with GUIDs.

To solve the lab, find the GUID for carlos, then submit his API key as the solution.

You can log in to your own account using the following credentials: wiener:peter


Once after login with the credentials provided in the lab description and my account is identified through GUID

Since it is GUID, we can’t predict just like the previous on how simple it is and in this lab, we need to find a way to get GUID of carlos

This is a blog forum right, while going through all the post but I found a post which was written by carlos called Interviews

Looking into source of the post, where we can find the GUID of carlos being leaked over there

Now will go back to My Account and replace id parameter value with the following value 42a731ca-4dff-4719-aa9e-8c6668654d1d where get the details of carlos

Submit the API key as solution and lab will be solved