
This lab’s administration interface has an authentication bypass vulnerability, but it is impractical to exploit without knowledge of a custom HTTP header used by the front-end.

To solve the lab, obtain the header name then use it to bypass the lab’s authentication. Access the admin interface and delete the user carlos.

You can log in to your own account using the following credentials: wiener:peter 


With the credentials I’ve which is wiener:peter and after login, I’ve noticed the URL path /my-account?id=wiener and changed it to admin redirected to the login page 

Accessing the /admin shows that it is only accessible to the users available locally 

When changing it from GET to TRACE reveals a new header X-Custom-IP-Authorization which will help us in bypassing IP based Authorization since we have this header 

Now change the request to GET from TRACE and replace the new header called X-Custom-IP-Authorization with value as why we are replacing the address as local address where the previous header told right “Admin is accessible only the users” and sent the request and responds with 200 means we have access to the admin panel now 

Opening the response in browser and delete the user carlos to solve the lab