Reflected XSS with Some SVG markup Allowed
In order to solve this lab has a simple reflected XSS vulnerability. The site is blocking common tags but misses some SVG tags and events.
In the application, we have a search functionality where we are able to search for something and searched for the following payload test”><h2>xss
and unfortunately the tag is blocked
Now we know that, <h2>
tag is blocked but we already learnt that only <svg>
tags and related events is allowed.. With that in mind, we can use the following payload <svg onload=alert(1)>
in the search functionality and now the tags are bypassed but now we have recieved error related to events called Event is not allowed
Intercepted the traffic in burp → Sent to the intruder and payload placeholder looks like as follows
Used all the tags from portswigger cheatsheet and then started the bruteforcing, found that <animatetransform>
is allowed
With the following payload "><svg><animatetransform onbegin=alert(1) attributeName=transform>
we were able to solve this the lab and how the found his manually looking into the payload associated with svg → animatetransform