
This lab demonstrates a reflected DOM vulnerability. Reflected DOM vulnerabilities occur when the server-side application processes data from a request and echoes the data in the response. A script on the page then processes the reflected data in an unsafe way, ultimately writing it to a dangerous sink.

To solve this lab, create an injection that calls the alert() function.


For an ease of convinence, we can open the spinned instance lab in chromium browser inside burpsuite and look of it makes sense that it is a blog page with a search functioality

With the DOM invader we have updated the canary to my name for an example like nithissh and in the search functionality searched for the term nithissh and checking out the DOM invader console found it’s in eval() sink where the possibility of javascript injection is high

With the following payload \"-alert(1)}// we were able to trigger an XSS and lab is solved

Well the reason behind that we are in the context of a string inside a JavaScript object. So you need to keep the string in a correct format for the payload to execute. By including the + or - you make sure the string does not break.

Plus is a proper way to concatenate strings. Concatenating a string with a void function results in the string “undefined” being added to the original and is therefor a valid statement.

Dash or minus does a subtraction from the string, which in JavaScript results in NaN and is therefore allowed too.