
This lab contains a SQL injection vulnerability in the product category filter. You can use a UNION attack to retrieve the results from an injected query.

To solve the lab, display the database version string.


As same like previous SQLi labs which we saw and this is also potentially vulnerable to SQL injection attack

Just like what we did in MySQL for determining the columns and I did the same here as well but it didn’t workout and unfortunately we are missing something

Looking into the Portswigger cheatsheet, for oracle based database we need to add +FROM+dual-- at the end because dual is special table that exists by default in all oracle databases

Adding it and here is how the complete payload looks like '+UNION+SELECT+'abc','def'+FROM+dual-- and responded with a status code of 200

OK then what’s next, our endgoal is to grab the banner version and we can able to do identify the version with the following payload '+UNION+SELECT+BANNER,NULL+FROM+v$version-- from the following cheatsheet and sent the request with following server version - Production